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Standardized Testing

Testing Information

The Whitmore Lake Counseling Center has all the information you need regarding mandatory state tests like the MME, as well as the ACT and SAT. This includes registration deadlines, test dates, and preparation resources for students, and for parents as well.

Michigan Merit Exam (MME)

The Michigan Merit Examination (MME) assesses students in grade 11 and eligible students in grade 12 based on Michigan high school standards. It is administered each spring, and consists of three components:

College Board SAT


Job skills assessments in Workplace Documents, Applied Math, and Graphic Literacy


Science and Social


The Michigan Department of Education (MDE) uses the SAT with Essay as one part of the Michigan Merit Examination. Each spring, the state will offer the PSAT 8/9 to eighth and ninth graders, the PSAT 10 to sophomores, and the SAT to juniors during regular school hours for free.

The MDE continuously works with Michigan state officials to support schools, districts, educators, and students, making it easier for students to get ready for college and their careers.

KHAN Academy Logo

KHAN Academy

The Khan Academy is an educational organization that produces lecture videos and practice problems in Math, Science, and Computing, as well as SAT test prep for students of all ages. Their programs are a valuable resource to help bolster your education and receive extra academic instruction in addition to your traditional schooling.


Although the SAT is mandatory for all high school students in Michigan, juniors are also encouraged to take the ACT. The ACT with Writing includes the four subject area tests plus a 40-minute writing test. ACT results are accepted by all four-year colleges and universities in the US. The ACT includes 215 multiple-choice questions and takes approximately 3 hours and 30 minutes to complete, including a short break (or just over four hours if you are taking the ACT with Writing). Actual testing time is 2 hours and 55 minutes (plus 40 minutes if you are taking the ACT with Writing). For more information or to register, click the button below.


MAP measures what students know and informs what they’re ready to learn next. By dynamically adjusting to each student’s responses, MAP creates a personalized assessment experience that accurately measures performance. Twice a year, seventh graders are assessed in math and reading.

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