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News and Notes


Tom DeKeyser, Superintendent

Our schools had another safe week.  Thank you to parents who are reinforcing our safety policies.  Our teachers and staff greatly appreciate the manner in which students are navigating the new rules.

Next week, both buildings will be in session for a full week.  We’ll continue to maintain 5 day weeks as long as staff and students are healthy.  I evaluate our schedules following weekly meetings with Health Department officials.
With that being said, many of us are experiencing illnesses associated with the common cold, allergies, and strep throat.  WLPS treats these illnesses, which have the same symptomatology as COVID-19, seriously, and we are sending students and staff home to recover.  Please be diligent in caring for the overall health of yourself and your children.
There are no new building updates for the middle and high school this week. Our elementary families can find this month’s Elementary Express HERE.
Our Food Service Department has been improving each week with new procedures and policies.  There have been some changes at both the Federal and State level which impact WLPS.  It is very important to complete breakfast and lunch applications in order for WLPS to receive important grant funds.  Please read the letter from Denise Kerrigan HERE.
Tonight, WLHS will host its first football game of the season.  A few reminders about this event:
– Spectators are limited to 2 per athlete. Spectators must have a player pass.
– Spectators must complete a health screening before entering the stadium.
– Spectators are required to socially distance themselves from other families.
– Spectators are required to wear a mask.
– This year, WLHS will be streaming athletic events on the NFHS network, however, due to technical difficulties at the football field, tonight’s game will be shared via Facebook Live.
This event is not unlike anything else WLPS has had to do this school year.   We opened our buildings with lots of safety measures, and we’ve been successful and safe.  We are pleased to be able to offer students the opportunity to participate, but it comes with lots of restrictions.  If we all comply, then the events are successful like our academic plan.  Please follow the rules, cheer on the team, and make today a great day to be a Trojan!
Tom DeKeyser

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