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News and Notes

Weekend UPdate: December 3, 2021

Tom DeKeyser, Superintendent

Good Afternoon,

School Safety
To date, no threats to safety have been associated with any of the schools in our district. Local and county police continue to keep us updated on inappropriate, in some cases, threatening social media posts affecting other schools in our area. Because of the proximity, Northfield Township Police will continue to have a presence in and around our schools. WLPS is fortunate to have such a good relationship with our public safety officials.
Every threat, no matter how big or small, is illegal and investigated by schools and law enforcement. Threats against the safety of our schools are never a joke, and law enforcement and school leaders will take action to protect our community, including and up to prosecution. We ask all families to speak with their students about the seriousness of making or sharing threats. It is certainly worth noting that social media should be monitored by parents as well.  Report any threats seen on social media, through text messages, other platforms or observed in any way to me at or to the authorities through the statewide confidential reporting tool OK2SAY:
Call 855-565-2729
Text 652729
Download the app for iPhone or Android
Taking steps to prevent tragedies before they happen is always a priority.  Parents can help.  Listen to your children.  Let them know you care; never be afraid to parent them.  And never be afraid to reach out to the school or the authorities with any concerns or a request for support.
COVID Update
Thank you to all the families who were diligent in monitoring symptoms and keeping their students home when they were ill coming back from Thanksgiving break. We had a few positive cases reported this week from each building, but close contacts were minimal because the majority stayed home once symptoms began. This is promising as it was the week after a holiday. Well done, Trojans.
As we approach the end of the semester and final exams for our older students, I continue to stress the importance of adhering to our COVID mitigation strategies–wash your hands, wear your masks and don’t come to school if you are sick. You can check out our COVID-19 update center on our website for more information.
Building Updates
Yesterday it was windy and brisk. Some of the play areas at WLES were muddy from melting snow. (Not our new part…that’s still awesome and clean.)  But the kids didn’t care.  I watched kids running and playing with complete joy, the kind of joy you need to lean into, especially during weeks like this.  It made me think of all the good things happening at WLPS.  From a Community Scholarship Fund Giving Tuesday campaign bringing Trojan alumni together, a Christmas food drive led by our students, and a successful PTO fundraiser benefiting our staff and students. Our school community is so important to what we provide for our students and families. I am grateful for our community.  Thank you for doing your part in making each day a great day to be a Trojan.
Tom Dekeyser
734.449.4464 x5000

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