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Leverage Technology

Technology Policy

Technology Policy and Rules at WLPS

Computer laboratories have been installed in the elementary, middle school, and high school buildings. Each classroom and teaching station has a computer. All computers are linked to a central server and have access to the Internet. A fiber optic cable links the elementary to the middle school and high school. Having a network account with Whitmore Lake Public Schools is a privilege, not a right. When the student and parent sign the network agreement and turn it in, a network and e-mail account is created for the student.

General Rules at WLPS

We believe in having a safe technology environment for every student. The following general rules are to be followed, in addition to those stated in the network agreement.


  • Other e-mail accounts are not to be accessed or created while using the WLPS network account. Profanity, threats or any other inappropriate language is not to be used. This includes attachments. Accounts are kept “clean” by deleting e-mails regularly and emptying your deleted items container regularly.
  • Emailing is to be accessed with the permission of the teacher during class time. On your own time, such as during lunch, you may access e-mail with the permission of the adult in charge of the computer you are using.
  • Only open e-mail coming from a source with which you are familiar. Delete all other e-mail without opening it to avoid viruses.


  • Students are only allowed on the Internet for classroom assignments and must have permission from an adult to access the Internet.
  • No pornographic or otherwise inappropriate sites are to be accessed.
  • Nothing is to be downloaded from the Internet without permission.
  • If you should accidentally access anything unacceptable on the Internet, you are to back out immediately and report this to the teacher/person in charge of the class/lab. It is important for you to report this, as the site will remain in the cache and this could get you in trouble at a later time.

Infraction of the Rules

  • Breaking one or more of the rules above will result in a warning. After a warning has been given, any infraction of the rules will result in revocation of the e-mail and/or network account.
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