All the parent and student resource information you want and need to be ready for Elementary school is available here 24/7! From our Kiss N’ Go drop-off instructions to kindergarten enrollment forms, you’ll be fully prepared with downloadable documents. Explore below for the Whitmore Lake Elementary resources you need.
The Kiss N’ Go instructions show you how and where to drop off your student at Whitmore Lake Elementary. View the map online, or download and print so you and your student know how to Kiss N’ Go.
Looking to enroll or transfer to WLPS? Below you’ll find the link to register online, along with a link to the registration packet and record release form you need to fill out to get your previous district to release all the student records to us.
New Student Online Registration
You can personally connect and interact with the Whitmore Lake Public School PTO on Facebook! Stay up to date by viewing informative posts, pictures, events, and more.
The Student Handbook contains information on everything WLES you could ever want to know! The Handbook PDF explains attendance, student behavior expectations, building use and closing rules, teacher and parent communication outlines, discipline guidelines, extracurricular information, and so much more. You can view and download the entire handbook below. We recommend saving to your desktop or an easy-to-access place where you can view it when you need questions answered at a moment’s notice.
WLES handbook 2024-2025 – 10.17.24
Never miss a beat with PeachJar! Check out the WL Elementary School PeachJar site to view all current digital flyers in one easy place and sign up for classes and programs. Find information on learning resources, school events, schedules, lunch menus, after-school programs, notes from the Principal, and more by clicking the button below.
Each classroom requires supplies our young students need for learning, however, we need your help in making some supplies available! The classroom supply list is available to download by clicking below, so you can easily take it on your next trip to the store.
Elementary School Supply Lists (1)
This program is built to encourage a safer and more effective school environment. It’s a program with a school-wide approach with expectations for behavior in and out of school. Click below to download a copy of the PBIS brochure so you can implement these practices at home with your student!
In need of assistance with housing, food, children/youth supports, older adult supports, and more. Check out this cumulative guide of what is available in Washtenaw County.
A hero doesn’t necessarily have to wear a cape and tights, maybe a hero speaks up for what’s right. Maybe that hero could be you. If you see or hear something that doesn’t seem right, you can submit a confidential tip to OK2SAY. OK2SAY allows anyone to confidentially report tips on criminal activities or potential harm directed at Michigan students, school employees, or schools.
Protect yourself and others by using OK2SAY. Because if you won’t, who will?
Kids Club is a before and after school program for students in Preschool through 6th Grade. Kids Club provides children with a positive, fun, and educationally enriched environment through planned indoor and outdoor activities. Download our brochure to learn more!
New Student Kids Club Registration
Kids Club Weekly Schedule Request
Whitmore Lake Elementary School is reviewing and piloting new literacy curriculum materials for
adoption in the 2025-2026 school year.
Literacy Curriculum and Assessments Details
Click Below to Experience the Difference
Our kindergarten readiness tips are built to make your child not only feel ready to jump in, but excited and comfortable, too! These tips will help you enable behaviors and actions at home that will prepare them for life in the classroom. Download the document for your personal use at home, or review it with your child together.